Match Winners 2015

2015 DOTY & POTY

Winners of DOTY and POTY with judge Sue Mitchell.

2015 December Match Winners

December Winners with judge Nigel Bryant.

2015 November Match Winners

November Winners with judge Jan Corr.

October Winners with judge Joy Middleton.

October Winners with judge Joy Middleton.

September Winners with judge Steve Redmond.

September Winners with judge Steve Redmond.

August Winners with judge Marianne Wood.

August Winners with judge Marianne Wood.

July Winners with judge Sonja Upton-Lovett.

July Winners with judge Sonja Upton-Lovett.

June Winners with judge Molly Wedge.

June Winners with judge Molly Wedge.

May Handler with judge Linda Forsyth.

May Handling Winner

May Winners with judge Linda Forsyth.

May Winners with Judge Linda Forsyth.

April Handlers with Judge Angela Draper.

April Handling Winners

April Winners with Judge Angela Draper.

April Winners with Judge Angela Draper.

March winners with Judge Colin Beesley

March winners with Judge Colin Beesley

February Handlers with Judge Chris Quantrill.

February Handling Winners

March Winners with Judge Chris Quantrill.

February Winners with Judge Chris Quantrill.

January Handlers with judge Geoff Cherry.

January Handlers with judge Geoff Cherry.

January winners with judge Geoff Cherry

January winners with judge Geoff Cherry